Protein Id: AAA32607.1 |
Length: 104 aa |
Description: major spike protein, partial Escherichia phage St-1. |
Molecule type: linear |
Data category: PHG |
Date: 28-Feb-94 |
Source: Escherichia phage St-1 |
Class virus: phage |
Virus name: Escherichia phage |
Host: -- |
Authors: Sims;J.; Capon;D. and Dressler;D. |
Title: dnaG (primase)-dependent origins of DNA replication. Nucleotide sequences of the negative strand initiation sites of bacteriophages St-1; phi K; and alpha 3 |
Journal: J Biol Chem 254 (24); 12615-12628 (1979) |
Taxonomy: Escherichia phage St-1 Viruses; Monodnaviria; Sangervirae; Phixviricota; Malgrandaviricetes; Petitvirales; Microviridae; Bullavirinae; Alphatrevirus. |
db_xref: """taxon:10845, CDD:332816""" |
Nucleotide_Id: J02501.1 |
Length: 311bp |
Description: Bacteriophage St-1 origin of DNA replication; major coat and major spike protein genes; 3' and 5' end |
Source: Escherichia phage St-1 |
Nucleotide_type: ss-RNA |
Molecule type: linear |
Data category: PHG |
Date: 28-Feb-94 |
Class virus: phage |
Virus name: Escherichia phage |
CDS: J02501.1:443..>753 |
Host: -- |
Authors: Sims;J.; Capon;D. and Dressler;D. |
Journal: J Biol Chem 254 (24); 12615-12628 (1979) |
Title: dnaG (primase)-dependent origins of DNA replication. Nucleotide sequences of the negative strand initiation sites of bacteriophages St-1; phi K; and alpha 3 |
db_xref: taxon:10845 |
Taxonomy: Escherichia phage St-1 Viruses; Monodnaviria; Sangervirae; Phixviricota; Malgrandaviricetes; Petitvirales; Microviridae; Bullavirinae; Alphatrevirus. |
Features: SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(0); ExactPosition(753); strand=1); type='source'); SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(BeforePosition(0); ExactPosition(306); strand=1); type='CDS'); SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(442); AfterPosition(753); strand=1); type='CDS') |