• Browse page

  • The browse page of the database preferentially displays Accession Number, Protein Id, Protein Definition, Protein Length, Protein Sequence, Nucleotide Id, Nucleotide Definition, Nucleotide Length, Nucleotide Sequence, Source, Class Virus, Virus Name, Host for each record of spike proteins of all viruses stored in the database. Click on any Accession Number, and the details of each spike protein and its pre-translated nucleotide will be displayed in another window. Click on either Protein Id or Nucleotide Id and the corresponding Id is linked to the NCBI website for details of the corresponding Protein and Nucleotide database. On this page, users can get double and more details of the protein and its pre-translated nucleotide.
  • In particular, the browse page provides links to: Advanced Virus classsfications, click to enter the specific page of Virus classifications, the Classification of viruses is Virus family and genus, the default is coronaviridae, as the spike protein data of coronaviridae accounted for 85.24%, we specially provided the secondary classification of coronavirus species: Name of Coronavirus, including Canine Coronavirus, Infectious Tis Virus, Human Coronavirus, etc. Also, click on the All Data of Coronavirus for All coronaviruses.
  • COVID-19 page

  • The COVID-19 page, the dual information of spike protein and corresponding nucleotide in the SARS-CoV-2 source will be displayed first, on the left, the Protein Id, Protein Description, Protein Sequence recorded protein information; in the middle, Nucleotide Id, Nucleotide Description, Nucleotide Sequence recorded nucleotide information; on the right, Isolate, Isolation_source, Country, Collection_date, recorded common information of protein and nucleotide. Click on the Protein Id or Nucleotide Id and the corresponding Id is linked to the NCBI website to obtain the details of the corresponding Protein and Nucleotide database. Click on any Accession Number and the details of each recorded Protein and its pre-translated Nucleotide will be displayed in another window.
  • Classification of Released Month, the drop down menu is defined by the release time of spike protein of novel Coronavirus from its earliest release in January 2020 to August 2021, separated by months, with the default new release time being 2021.08.
  • Search page

  • On the search page, users can use Protein Id, Description, Accession Number, Class virus, virus name, Host, keywords, etc. to search for spike proteins and nucleotides they are interested in according to the prompts on the page. Search proteins and Search Nucleotides can search spike data collected before 2020.09.04, and Search COVID-19 proteins and Search COVID-19 Nucleotides are search function specifically provided for spike data from novel Coronavirus sources. Search Sequence, in which the user selects the protein or nucleotide category according to the prompt box, and pastes the sequence to the search box to search the sequence.
  • We provide download function for the search results, the text record information is in.csv format, the sequence information is in.fasta format.
  • Blast page

  • The BLAST program, which is integrated into the DVSP database, helps researchers identify potential key spike proteins based on incoming nucleic acid or protein sequences of interest by comparing them with sequences in the database. Users can do blast searches by pasting sequences (s) or uploading fastA format files and selecting the corresponding blastn, blastp, blastx, tblastn, tblastx.
  • Download page

  • The database contains Spike protein data of The virus There are two modules for COVID-19. The first module can download spike data collected before 2020.09.04, all data can be downloaded, and corresponding data can also be downloaded according to virus classification. The second module provides spike data download of the source novel Coronavirus.
  • Protein and Nucleotide under Resources are the information download areas of Protein and Nucleotide respectively. It is worth noting that the data in Browse download area contains two kinds of information: Protein and Nucleotide. The text record information is in. CSV format, and the sequence information is in. fasta format.
  • Detailed information about spike protein and nucleotide

  • Item description listed in DVSP
  • Item Description
       Protein Id      A unique ID for each spike protein in NCBI
       Nucleotide Id      A unique ID for each spike nucleotide in NCBI
       Length      The sequence length of proteins or nucleotides
       Molecule type      The structural type of a protein or nucleotide molecule
       Nucleotide Type      The ribose type of nucleotide
       Data category      GenBank data classification
       Date      The date of sequence was last modified
       Description      A brief description of the function of the protein or nucleotide in which the sequence resides
       Source      The source of the sequence, that is the species of the sequence
       Taxonomy      The sequence belongs to the biological classification of species
       Authors      The authors of references
       Title      The title of references
       Journal      The name of the journal in which the article was published
       db_xref      Links to other useful databases
       Sequence      Protein or nucleotide sequence
       Class Virus      Spike proteins/nucleotides from viruses are classified according to families/genera of virus taxonomic (including unidentified reserved virus species as grades)
       Virus Name      The virus name of the spike protein/nucleotide source virus
       Host      The host from which the virus was sequenced
       Released_Month      The month of spike protein from SARS-COV-2 released in NCBI
       isolate      The individual Taxonomy from which the sequence originated
       CDS      Initiation and termination sites of spike protein gene in the genome
       isolation_source      Describe the physiological, environmental and geographic information of the species from which the source of sequence
       country      National sources of sequence samples
       collection_date      The date when the sequence sample was collected
       collected_by      A organization for collecting sequence samples
       mol_type      The molecular type of the sequence obtained   
  • Home page

  • The home page provides a basic introduction to DVSP and lists some useful links.
  • Link Description
       NCBI      National Center for Biotechnology Information. Protein and nucleotide sublibraries of NCBI contain rich bioinformatics data.   
       CNCB-2019nCoVR      2019nCoVR features comprehensive integration of genomic and proteomic sequences as well as their metadata information from the GISAID, NCBI, NMDC and CNCB/NGDC. It also incorporates a wide range of relevant information including scientific literatures, news, and popular articles for science dissemination, and provides visualization functionalities for genome variation analysis results based on all collected SARS-CoV-2 strains.   
       CoV3D      A resource for structures of coronavirus proteins and their recognition by antibodies and other molecules.   
      Weekly-updated structures of SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV spike proteins, as well as other coronavirus proteins of interest for therapeutics and vaccines.   
  • Feedback

  • If you have any comments, or queries about the DVSP database, please contact us at < yyn@gmc.edu.cn >
  • Web: http://yeyn.group:90, Bioinformatics and Biomedical Big data Mining Laboratory, School of Big Health, Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang, 550025, China.